MB Workshop LA


Just signed up to go to the MB Workshop coming up, December 5-8. Looking forward to multiple days of awesome demonstrations, mind exploding inspiration and more learning and skill development in a couple of days than I might get in a year. I’ve wanted to go to one of these workshops for the last few years, but they have never been close enough to home to allow me to go.

If you have the time to go, you should do it. If you’re already going or plan to go, let me know so we can meet up.

Figure for iOS

Came across a music loop creation app called Figure. Had a lot of fun messing around with it and was able to create some pretty neat beats. It’s a pretty simple set-up, with a track for drums, bass and lead. You can can create 1, 2, 4 or 8 bar loops, choosing your tempo and key. After you lay down your tracks you can make additional audio tweaks and adjust the volume of the tracks in the mix. When you’re all done you can save your file and/or share it via e-mail, iTunes, AudioCopy file or SoundCloud. I put my mix up on Sound Cloud.

Take a listen: